莽野古树茶 · 璞山 




Time To Market_2019


璞,从玉,从菐( pú),菐亦声。“菐”意为“外皮”。“玉”和“菐”联合起来表示“包有石皮的玉”或“玉的石皮” 璞玉浑金,指未加修饰之天然美质。比喻人品纯真质朴。 返璞归真:去掉外饰,还其本质。比喻回复原来的自然状态。



Pu Shan, the natural undeveloped tea mountains give consumers a very intuitive association of the original tea mountain villages, and then imagine the natural and pure taste of ancient tree tea.

The word"璞" is from"玉"and"菐", "菐" meaning "skin", "玉" and "菐" unite said"Jade covered with stone" or"jade’s stone skin". Uncut jade is pure gold: it refers to the natural and beautiful quality without modification. Return to uncut jade to return to true: remove exterior act the role ofing, return its essence, metaphor returns original natural state.In the whole packaging, to give the audience back to the original simplicity, natural and pure intuitive feeling. On the sign, "pu mountain" font, type like jade and stone.

In the packing surface, pictographic ancient ethnic minority, and use the cave paintings, moya carved stone rendering technology, coupled with our mountain glyph, grain, supplemented by the tea mountain area on the map. In this way, the unexploited natural tea mountain is presented positively, giving the audience the experience of the original tea mountain. 

Tear off the surface of the package and feel the original process of "Gambling jade", pull the lid up and down to experience the feeling of "uncut jade"; On the inner box design, the picture of tea picking extracted from ethnic minorities is used. In terms of color, first, extract the color of the original rock wall; Second, refine the blue color with ethnic flavor; Three, the use of strong sense of value ethnic minorities’ silver and gold; In the details, matte and bright light are used to match each other to mark the presentation process, and the seal pattern is used to distinguish different product categories.