岩脉 岩经 岩络


Design Director_Bosom



Time To Market_2021

上下求索 寻古益今


茶入经络 各有所养 



Search up and down to find the ancient benefits of the present 

According to the Huangdi Neijing, "Meridians are the reason why people are born, why diseases become, why people are treated, and why diseases arise." The huangdi Neijing, the earliest record of meridians, mainly describes the positions and functions of the six normal veins distributed in the human body. The two ends of each normal pulse connect hands or feet, dividing the meridians into twelve. The twelve meridians of the human body correspond to the twelve hours of the day, and the change of the hour will lead to the changes of qi and blood in different meridians. 

Tea into the body each has its own benefits 

Tea is also affected by the "three spirits of heaven, earth and man" from the beginning of fresh leaf growth to the picking and processing. "Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing" recorded that "Shen Nong tasted 100 grasses, every day in 72 poisons, to tea and solution." Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the three Yin and three Yang dominate the 12 meridians of the human body, and tea, which originated in the Shennong era, naturally supplements the meridians of the human body. 

Packaging screen use, brand logo extension of auxiliary graphics, and the negative pattern formed by it directly presents the veins and meridians.